-Sponsored by Hope for Brighter Tomorrows, a nonprofit founded by Kay Warren


Free BREATHE Zoom Calls with Kay Warren and guests are available on a regular basis for parents of children of any age who live with mental illness. Two types of BREATHE Zoom Calls are offered:


The BREATHE Conversations Series features interviews with noted mental health professionals, advocates, theologians, and parents with lived experience, which provide helpful information and practical tools.


BREATHE Prayer & Support Calls provide soul care to parents, through breathwork, devotionals, and prayer. 

Join Kay and Adam Young, LCSW, therapist, Allender Center Fellow, and host of The Place We Find Ourselves podcast, for a conversation about how to be with our children when things are hard, on Saturday, June 15 2024 from 10am-11am (PT). During acute phases of mental illness, we as parents experience a rollercoaster of emotions. It can be difficult to track with and attune to our children’s emotional states and needs. How can we help our children to “feel felt,” even as they struggle? And in what ways do we need to care for our own emotions as we do our best to be with them?