Hope for Mental Health Community Kit


We believe that every church - no matter its size or location - can do something tangible to relieve the suffering and pain that people who live with mental illness experience. We are so grateful for your courageous decision to become a church that cares for people with mental illness and their families!


The first question people usually ask is HOW? HOW can we make a concrete difference through our church? At Saddleback, we realized that a major challenge facing our world is an increased sense of isolation and loneliness – even as technology connects us digitally in unprecedented ways. We began the Hope for Mental Health Community in April, 2018 in response. The Hope for Mental Health Community is a monthly gathering that addresses the need for social connection, meaningful interactions, and accurate psychoeducation for people living with mental illness and their families. These gatherings are led by a combination of church staff, licensed mental health professionals, people with lived experience and volunteers. Together, we extend the radical friendship of Jesus by providing transforming love, support, and hope.


An effective first step for your church might be to launch a Hope for Mental Health Community – or to partner with several other churches in your city to offer this caring community event on a regular basis. We’ve created a Hope for Mental Health Community Kit to assist you in this process.


In this Hope for Mental Health Community Kit, you will find detailed guidelines and planning documents to communicate the heart behind the Hope for Mental Health Community to help you launch a Hope for Mental Health Community in your church. Most of these files are editable for you to add your own information and details.  Included in this toolkit you will find promotional materials including printable brochures, social media images, posters, and agenda topics; logistical planning documents including checklists, programming, and volunteer tasks; document templates for binder covers, notes pages, name badges, table discussion guidelines, and a prayer request card, as well as a comprehensive list of numerous national mental health resource organizations.


We pray that God will use your church to reach hurting people in your community.        



Kay Warren and the Saddleback Church Mental Health Ministry 

Hope for Mental Health Community | Starter Kit

To download the entire How to Launch a Hope for Mental Health Community Starter Kit, please click the button below to download the brochure.


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